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About HandStands

Established in 1983, HandStands® was one of the first companies to sell mouse pads. Through HandStands® PROMO we offer a wide variety of unique promotional products, from phone and tablet accessories and air fresheners, to stress relief and automotive accessories. 

Drop ship policy


If the product is over $25.00 net, the first 50 drop shipment fees will be waived. Each one after that will be $3.50 per domestic.

If the product is below $25.00 net the first 10 fees will be waived. Each one after that will be $3.50 per domestic.

You must send prepaid labels and commercial invoices for all international shipments.

You must provide all contact information to us in one document using our drop ship template.

Please note, drop shipping will increase standard order lead times, how much will depend on the size of the order.

You must use our drop ship template to be eligible for the free ones! 

Art Guidelines

Acceptable Artwork

  1. VECTOR ART - EPS, PDF or AI (this is line art, NOT photographic art) with fonts OUTLINED (converted to paths). All spot blacks need to be converted to 100% Process Black.
  2. High resolution TIFF, JPEG or PSD (300 dpi) at or above actual size. Black ONLY for screen printed imprints. For 4-color process (RGB or CMYK) include at least ½” bleed. 

Unacceptable Artwork

We do NOT accept the following:
  1. Web images or low resolution (72 dpi) images that appear jagged.
  2. Artwork containing FONTS that are NOT outlined (converted to paths).
  3. Your imprint already imprinted, hot stamped or embroidered.
  4. Anything stapled, folded, clipped, taped or handwritten on samples.

Art Tips / Details

  1. Guaranteed type size is 10 pt (at ACTUAL ART SIZE).
  2. Outline all fonts / convert to paths.
  3. Avoid thin lines. Minimum line thickness 1 pt at ACTUAL SIZE.
  4. Use solid spot colors (preferably send art as 100% Process Black).
  5. Avoid halftones, screen printing turns halftones into dot patterns.
  6. Do NOT forward art. Send art directly from original source.
  7. Specify PMS colors when requesting a color match. If unsure, refer to UNCOATED PMS swatches. We will attempt to match all colors; however, exact matches are NOT guaranteed.


  1. Due to 1/8” shift in printing variance, it is best to avoid borders in artwork.
  2. Avoid thin lines. Minimum line thickness for reversed out design elements / text 1.5 pt at ACTUAL SIZE.
Art Charges
$75 (V) per hour for any art creation, rebuilding or clean up. Minor typesetting (15 minutes or less) will be done at no charge. A third revision to your paper proof will result in an art charge of ¼ hour minimum.
Art on File 
HandStands® PROMO will keep art on file for a maximum of two years. A new set-up charge may be required for orders after two years. Repeat orders will be moved directly into production.
Software Used
  1. Adobe® Illustrator® CC & lower - File saved as vector EPS, PDF or AI. 
  2. Adobe® Photoshop® CC & lower - File saved as 300 dpi / JPEG, TIFF, PSD or EPS. (Saved no smaller than actual art size.) Always include bleed.
(Microsoft® Word and PowerPoint® documents are NOT ACCEPTED).

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