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FSC Promotional License:
Evans Mfg currently has a FSC Promotional License #: FSC-N004444


Due to the nature of ceramics, there may be slight imperfections and irregularities which should not be perceived as defective. Variations in materials, firing temperatures, and colors may result in variations in glaze and imprint colors. Ounces, sizes, and measurements are approximate and may vary from batch to batch, and within each batch. These variations are within industry standard and therefore should be considered acceptable. Sold in full carton quantities of 36 per color.


Color variances are to be expected on each item, as no two bamboo pieces will be the exact same shade, even within the same lot. Due to natural variations in the grain, laser engraved imprints will have slightly different shades. After lasering, a tone-on-tone look is very common and should be expected.

Placing an Order

Please send orders to evans.info@hpgbrands.com.


We will notify you immediately upon receipt of your order. A sales order confirmation will follow with specific order information within 24 hours of receipt of the purchase order. Please review these documents carefully.


All orders are subject to a 5% overrun or underrun and will be shipped and billed accordingly. Please note on your purchase order if exact quantity is required – a $25(V) fee will be charged for orders requiring exact quantity.

Less than Minimum

$50(V) absolute minimum of 1/2 the smallest catalog quantity, reference catalog page for details. Please note: No assortments are available for quantities less than minimum.

Assorted Product Colors

Assortments of up to 5 product colors are available on most products at no additional charge. Please refer to product page for more information. Please note: Drink Ware must be assorted by full box quantities.


Any cost associated with work completed will be billed accordingly.

Co-Op and Catalog Programs

Any cost associated with work completed will be billed accordingly.


Please refer to item pages for standard packaging. Special packaging is available upon request - please contact factory for a price estimate. All customer-submitted BOLs are subject to a fee of $20 per pallet shipped.


Subject to change without prior notification.

Return Policy

Evans assures that our products are of good quality and that measures are taken to eliminate defects in material and workmanship. Please contact factory within 60 days of receipt of the product if there are problems with your order. Due to the custom nature of our products, factory authorization is required prior to the return of merchandise. Unimprinted merchandise is subject to a restocking fee.

Random Samples

Random imprinted samples will be billed at EQP and are free up to $8(Z), when a valid 3rd party shipper account number is provided. If the sample cost is higher than $8(Z) at the EQP price, you will be charged the full EQP price. If a shipper number is not provided, Evans will ship USPS Priority Mail unless otherwise specified, and customer will be invoiced for all shipping charges. Samples will ship the same day as ordered if the order is received before 5:00PM Central Standard Time. Please send requests to evans.samples@hpgbrands.com.

Order Reference Samples

Provided upon request. All appropriate charges apply.

Printed/Speculative Samples

Standard and vibrant full color: $50(V). Please reference your spec sample P.O if full order is received, we will credit the spec sample charge.


Mini catalogs are available, we just ask that you pay for shipping. A valid 3rd party shipper account number must be provided. If a shipper number is not provided, Evans will ship USPS Priority Mail unless otherwise specified, and customer will be invoiced for all shipping charges. Mini catalogs will ship the same day as ordered if received before 5:00PM Central Standard Time. Please send requests to evans.samples@hpgbrands.com.

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