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Beacon General Information for All Name Badges

All pricing in USD

Order Information

Purchase Orders: The following information must be included on your purchase order: Your company name, address, phone number, contact name, requested ship date, product number and description ordered, quantity, product color, layout instructions for artwork, imprint color, unit cost, additional charges, and shipping instructions.


Normal Production: Refer to individual product pages for production times. Production time begins after art approval and final confirmation (payment if needed). Please add 2 days additional production time for pieces that are polydomed. Large orders may require additional time, consult factory.


Rush Service: $50.00 (G). Orders must be marked "Rush Service Required". Production time does not include day order is received. Orders must be for catalog quantities as shown. Prior factory approval is required before sending order.


Express Badges: All orders for Express Badges must meet the following criteria: one ad copy, up to three lines of personalization and no drop shipment.


Reorders: There are no set-up charges for exact reorders done within 2 years of the last order.


Less Than Minimum: $50.00 (G), absolute minimum is half the minimum quantity. $65.00 (G) for anything less than half.


Order Change Charge: If an order is in production and needs changes, $20.00 (G).


Returns: As all items are custom made to your specifications, we cannot accept returned merchandise. Replacement of incorrect or defective items will be done at no charge if we are in error. You are responsible for rework charges once you have approved artwork. All non-personalized merchandise has a 15% restocking fee if returned.


Overruns / Underruns: Exact quantities will ship on personalized items. All other orders are subject to a 5% overrun or underrun and will be shipped and billed accordingly. Orders marked "No Overrun" may be subject to an underrun.


Sorting: To have personalized product sorted by drop shipment, or specially packaged add $.35 (G) each, plus drop ship charge.


Special Polybagging: Polybag in set (10-25 per bag), $.20 (G) each. Call for availability.

Artwork and Imprint Information

We support the sm@rt guidelines for art transfer.


Artwork: We prefer digital artwork - Vector line art is the only format accepted. It provides the best quality and allows images to be resized without loss of details. Vector files must be saved as PDF, EPS, or AI formats. We cannot accept artwork used on websites or that originates from the internet. Art can be sent to beacon.orders@hpgbrands.com. Clean black and white, camera-ready artwork will be accepted. Artwork will be reviewed and if cleanup is needed, we will notify you in advance. A cleanup charge of $40.00 (X) is minimum.


Photo Submissions: Submit images how you would like them to appear on your badge. All images should be the same resolution and size. Example: If you want your image to appear 1" x 1", please crop all images to that size. Name the files by the person's name. Example: johndoe.jpg. Pictures should be 350 DPI.


QR Codes: Printing of customer-supplied QR codes only. We will print QR codes as accurately as possible, but due to the wide range of devices and user abilities, we cannot be held responsible for problems with QR printed items. Speculative sample highly recommended $65.00 (G).


Design Services: Design time prices at $45.00 (X) per 30 minutes. Design Services include: design and layout, production-ready art creation, logo recreation and virtual sample requests exceeding 30 minutes.


Speculative Samples: Spec samples available for $65.00 (G).


Proofs: E-mail proof FREE. Production time begins after the proof approval. Note: Orders with personalization will have only the shortest and longest names proofed. Please be advised that requesting a proof with all names provided will incur extra charges of $6.25 (G) per name and delay production. Be assured that we will print using all information provided within your name list, as it was submitted.


Orders Over $5000: Factory requires a proof and pre-production sample to be produced on any non-exact repeat orders totaling $5000 or over. The cost of this pre-production sample, and ground shipping charges associated with it, will be provided at no charge. The required pre-production sample process for orders over $5000 can be waived, in writing, by the distributor. By foregoing the proof and/or pre-production process on orders over $5000, any dissatisfaction with the finished product (outside of production errors attributable to factory's workmanship) is the sole responsibility of the distributor/customer.

Special Areas of Notation

Union Label: Union Labels are not available.


Right to Promotion: We reserve the right to use any item or logo printed by us for display and promotional purposes unless specified in a letter agreement that is signed by both parties. Note: Artwork and logos shown in this catalog are the sole property of the copyright/trademark holder and are not for sale. Designs are shown only to illustrate basic product and imprint possibilities. Some items shown may be samples or may have been modified from the original. Fictitious names have been used.

Shipping Information

Drop Ship: An additional $10.00 (G) per drop shipment is added for shipment in the continental U.S.


Third Party Billing: Billable orders shipped using 3rd party billing will be charged a $10.00 (G) per order fee.


Handling: A handling charge is added to each shipment.


Shipping: Orders are shipped FOB factory. Shipping cost is billed and added to invoice. Orders are normally sent UPS ground, unless otherwise specified.


Personalization Lists: All lists for personalized products should be submitted with your purchase order to prevent delays. Production time will begin when name list is received. Lists must be submitted electronically in correct format or a charge of $0.50 (G) per line to reformat will be incurred. We prefer lists in a spreadsheet file in either Excel or Word. Each line of personalization should be on its own column in your list.

Word Example:

Excel Example:

Names will appear exactly as submitted. Please use the desired case (CAPS or Upper/Lower), titles and punctuation.

Full Color & Laser Engraved

Full Color Personalizations: (Hint: Use this personalization method when you need specific fonts or a particular color). Stock printer fonts available (shown below). Our standard full color font is Arial. Printer fonts may be used on most plastic products as well as on full color products.


Printed personalizations allow for much greater flexibility of personalization color and font selection.

Specialized fonts should be sent with art files: supply font files in (.otf) or (.tff) format. Names should be sent as a separate text (.txt, .xls, or .doc) file, not converted to outlines or curves.


Laser Engraved Personalizations: Laser engraving will be used to produce printer fonts on available plastics. Laser engraving uses a laser beam to remove the surface layer of plastic products. Our standard laser font is Helvetica. Standard printer fonts may be used for greater variety (see Full Color Personalization fonts above).

Release Programs

The Premier Online Release Program www.badgewarehouse.com


Badge Warehouse: This prepaid program is a completely safe, secure, and easy-to-use online release program available 24/7. This program is distributor and end-user friendly and does not reflect any pricing information. Investing in this program allows the user to check inventory levels, submit names for badge release, track shipment status, and download excel spreadsheet or tab-del text usage reports.


Badge Warehouse Pro: Gives you all the great features of Badge Warehouse, but with the added ability to have multiple locations drawing from the same stock. This option is perfect for corporations that need an extra reporting function to allow internal billing by location or to keep track of how many badges each location is ordering. Each location is given its own secure password that will link them to the same inventory as the rest of their company, but will automatically identify the specific location in administrative reports. This allows the administrator to easily identify and sort the information in any way they need. Because of these added features, the Pro program has an initial set-up charge of $62.50 (G).


Release programs with no activity for two years will be considered abandoned. The program will be closed and inventory discarded.


BadgeWarehouse is only available for the United States & Canada. All US shipments are via USPS First Class postage. A shipper ID is required for shipments into Canada. Beacon Promotions Inc. is not able to estimate international shipping fees.

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