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Beacon General Information for All Calendars and Planners

All pricing in USD

Order Information

Purchase Orders: Include the following on your purchase order: your company name, address, phone number, contact name, requested ship date, product number and description ordered, quantity, product color, layout instructions for artwork, imprint color, unit cost, additional charges, and shipping instructions.


Stock Availability: After November 1, specify a second choice of calendar or planner style. Contact customer service for inventory availability.


Order Acknowledgement: Confirmation of calendar product number, quantity, ship to address, shipping method, ship date, and price will be acknowledged by email.


Less Than Minimum: Available on single sheet and 13-sheet contractor styles only.  $50.00 (G) - absolute minimum is half the minimum quantity.  Not available on appointment wall calendars.


Overrun/Underrun: Exact quantities will be shipped.

Artwork and Imprint Information

Artwork: We prefer digital artwork - Vector line art is the only format accepted. It provides the best quality and allows images to be resized without loss of details. Vector files must be saved as PDF, EPS, or AI formats. We cannot accept artwork used on websites or that originates from the internet. Art can be sent to beacon.orders@hpgbrands.com. Clean black and white, camera-ready artwork will be accepted. Artwork will be reviewed and if cleanup is needed, we will notify you in advance. A cleanup charge of $40.00 (X) is minimum.


Cancellation: Orders will be billed for work incurred.


Combining Styles: All spiral and stapled appointment calendars can be assorted 100 per theme. Minimum per order must be 100. Ad copy and imprint color must remain the same for entire order. Planners, desk calendars, and full year view cannot be combined.


Halftone Photos: Halftone photos are available in calendar ad area on offset printed calendars only. Halftones are not available on planners, or the OF5437 The Old Farmer's Almanac®.


Oversize Imprint Area on Planners: Imprints over standard imprint area are subject to oversize charges. For Quantities up to 1000 $.12 (G) ea. 1,001-2,500 $.08 (G) ea. 2,501-5,000 $.07 (G) ea. 5,001 & up $.05 (G) ea.


Additional Location Charge For Planners: $39.60 (G) set-up and $.37 (G) running per item.


Standard Headings For Planners: The current year header is hot stamped on front cover in the same foil color as ad imprint. Planners must have the year header unless a full plate imprint is being produced.


Unimprinted Items: Wall calendars use next quantity price. Planners excluding year use next quantity price. Item No: CAL 200 and OF5437 must have an imprint.


Proofs: E-mail proof: FREE. Production time begins after the proof approval.


Orders Over $5,000: The factory requires a proof to be produced on any non-exact repeat orders totaling $5,000 or more.  By forgoing the proof, any art mis-prints are sole responsibility of the distributor/customer.


Pre Production Proofs: Available for planners only - $65.00 (G) for one color plus die charge.  Additional charges apply for additional colors.  Pre-production proofs are not available on the contractor styles or appointment wall calendars.


QR Codes: Printing of customer-supplied QR codes only. We will print QR codes as accurately as possible, but due to the wide range of devices and user abilities, we cannot be held responsible for problems with QR printed items. QR codes can be printed on Commercial, Full Year and Wall Appointment calendars only, in full color.

Shipping Information

Shipping: Orders are shipped FOB factory. Shipping cost is billed and added to invoice. Orders are normally sent UPS Ground, unless otherwise specified.


Drop Ship: $10.00 (G) each drop shipment in the continental U.S.


Third Party Billing: Billable orders shipped using 3rd party billing will be charged a $10.00 (G) per order fee.


Shipping Schedule: We will ship as early as our production permits, unless a specified ship date is given. Orders put in storage will be sent a shipping notice when removed and shipped. All truck shipments will go prepaid unless specified. If we remove an order from storage prior to the date indicated on your P.O., you will be charged $125.00 (G). If the pull from storage requires an address change, delayed shipment, or change of delivery method, please contact us for a quote.


Storage Release Dates: Please specify one of the following storage release dates:
    August 1, September 1, September 15, October 1, October 15, November 1, November 15, December 1.
    Choose your ship date in the fall. Due to the volume of storage orders, the shipment may be shipped out several days before the release date chosen.


Union Label: All Ready Reference® planners are printed and assembled in a Union Shop and imprinted in a non-union shop.


Made in the USA: Beacon® calendars and Ready Reference® planners and calendars are made in the USA.

Special Areas of Notation

Imprints Shown in Catalog: The imprints shown in this catalog are the property of the organizations they represent. They are intended to illustrate our capabilities and are not an indication of any endorsement.

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